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The Organization Users List
The Organization Users list displays all Users within the Organization (across all Accounts in the Org).
The list has the following columns:
Name & email (sortable)
Roles & Tiers
Verification status (sortable)
Account creation date (sortable)
Settings & actions
The list can be filtered in the following ways:
by Search (for a name or email)
by Account
by Roles (User, Listings Manager, Tier Manager, Account Manager, Organization Manager)
by Status (Active, Inactive, Onboarding, Not Verified)
by Verification Status (Verified, Not Verified)
The following Actions can be taken from the Organization Users list:
Edit or view a user’s profile information
Edit or view a user’s account information (name, email)
Move the user to a different Tier or Account within the Organization
Deactivate or Reactivate the user’s account
Publish or Unpublish the user’s profile
Manage the user’s account settings (auto-post, reply to review, email notification settings)
Some actions may be taken on several users simultaneously using the action menu in the top right corner when the checkboxes to the left of their names are checked.