An Open-Ended Question prompts respondents to provide free-form, unrestricted responses, without predefined answer choices. The primary benefit of open-ended questions is their capacity to elicit rich and detailed qualitative information. By allowing respondents to express their thoughts in their own words, open-ended questions provide a more comprehensive understanding of attitudes, opinions, and experiences.
a. If you have selected Multiple Textbox, select the type of information that will be in the textbox (text, email, date, city, state, etc.), then select the placeholder to hold the space until the respondent answers.
At the bottom of the question editor, mark the question as required (toggle on) or optional (toggle off) for the respondents.
Analyzing the Response Data
Rating Scale response data can be found attached to the question within a campaign’s Question Summary. 1-5 rating scales display a tiny graphic with the average rating and a table breakdown of the responses.
1-10 rating scales display a bar graph with the average rating and the table breakdown of the responses. Analyzing open-ended responses can be a more qualitative and nuanced process compared to quantitative data analysis. Remember that the goal of analyzing open-ended responses is to extract meaningful insights that can inform decision-making and drive positive change.