When you created the Matrix question, default response options were already present for a Likert scale style question (strongly agreedvery satisfied--strongly disagreedvery dissatisfied). Make any changes to the
response options by replacing thetext
for the response options1,
removing response options2, or adding new response options3.
At the bottom of the question editor (below the preview of the matrix question), mark the question as required (toggle on) or optional (toggle off) for the respondents.
Analyzing the Response Data
or keep it the same.
Analyzing the Response Data
To analyze data from a matrix question, a horizontal table presents an overview of respondent rankings. The table is structured with the categories or items that respondents were asked to rank positioned on the left. Alongside each category, the table displays both the count and percentage of responses for different criteria such as agreement, satisfaction, etc.
This format allows for a quick assessment of the distribution of responses across a scale for various items or experiences. The counts provide a numerical representation of how many respondents ranked each category under different criteria, while the percentages offer insights into the relative proportion of responses, aiding in understanding the overall sentiment or satisfaction level.
A horizontal scroll can be used to view the entire table.