Ingestion Processing (IPRO) in the Experience Management Platform (XMP) is the pivotal process of transforming data from connected software or systems into campaign (survey) transactions within an account. After ingestion, the XMP systematically categorizes each transaction by subjecting it to a series of checks, progressing through various stages of categorization. Transactions failing any check are flagged accordingly.
First, the system assesses if the transaction date exceeds the valid survey interval, categorizing such transactions as corrupt. If the customer name or email address fields are blank or invalid, the transaction is also marked as corrupt. If the customer's email address is found in the unsubscribed list, the transaction is labeled as unsubscribed. Further checks include validating the agent's email address and determining if it is present in the ignored tab; transactions failing these checks are categorized accordingly.
Valid transactions undergo additional steps, checking for repeated agent-customer email combinations within the campaign's duplicate survey duration. If found, the transaction is flagged as a duplicate. Next, the system evaluates if the transaction matches any campaign conditions within the account. Transactions failing this check are categorized as uncollected while matching transactions proceed to the automated dispatcher. The dispatcher adds transaction data to a campaign's sending queue, completing the IPRO process and preparing the transaction for further processing within the campaign.