Each campaign in Experience.com is equipped with its dedicated campaign dashboard, serving as a hub for essential performance metrics. By default, this dashboard showcases the campaign's all-time statistics, but viewers have the flexibility to filter data for specific periods—today, seven days, one month, six months, one year, or a custom date range.
Comprehensive response data can be viewed across five tabs.
The overview page tab presents key insights, such as surveys sent versus the total responses and the corresponding completion rate1. This data is further dissected to highlight completion rates for automated versus manual surveys2.
Below the campaign’s Overview (in the Analytics menu), viewers can explore additional pages
Viewers can explore subsequent tabs featuring comprehensive response data. These include a question summary detailing responses to each survey question, reviews stemming from each survey response, the campaign leaderboard, and a list of incomplete surveys associated with the campaign.
Question Summary
Question summary provides a summary of the responses received for each question in the campaign.
The percentage of respondents who answered Yes, and the percentage of respondents who answered No.
The percentage and number of respondents who gave a certain (1-5) star rating
Percentage of Great, Ok, and Unpleasant gateway responses.
It provides information on the total responses and ratings for the question as well as whether these metrics have increased or decreased compared to the previous week.
This tab displays your campaign reviews. Apply the filters on the top by selecting a value from the dropdown to filter by Tier, Agent, Status, Rank and Replies.
Tier - Reviews received for the selected Tier
Agent - Reviews received for the selected Agent
Status - Activated, Deactivated, Onboarding status of Agent
Replies - Replied, Flagged, Pinned, Archived
The campaign leaderboard ranks your top Loan Officers or professionals based on the number of reviews, Average Score, SPS [Social Promoter Score], SRS, and Completion Percentage. You can filter results by year and month, also by company region and branch. In addition, you can sort the leaderboard by rank, from High to Low, Low to High, Highest Avg Score, Most Reviews, and Completion Rate.
Incomplete Surveys
Incomplete Surveys provides information about the participating Customer, Agent, Participant Type, No. of Email & SMS Reminders sent and last communication date, for surveys that have not been completed. You can apply filters to view incomplete surveys by Agent, Customer, and Participant Type.
XMP enables you to take the following actions on an incomplete survey:
Resend reminder email
Disable auto-reminders
Expire survey
Select the incomplete surveys you’d like to take an action on by clicking on the corresponding check box. You’ll see an Action dropdown button enabled at the top of the table. Click on the dropdown to select one of the options.
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