

This document explains the steps taken to implement New relic and AWS infra monitoring on prod2 resources.

New relic instructions

For setting up in ECS:

  • Download the new relic java agent zip file and extract it from the new relic docs : https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/java-agent/installation/install-java-agent

  • configure the agent with newrelic.yml file and add the add the license key and app name as per the instructions in the above link.

  • Place the new relic folder inside the docker folder.

  • Copy the new relic in to the app.Dockerfile by adding the following lines.

COPY docker/newrelic /opt/jboss/wildfly/newrelic
  •  Add the java arguments in the docker-compose.yml in order to make the new relic agent work.

JAVA_OPTS: "-javaagent:/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/newrelic/newrelic.jar"
  • Then build the by using the docker-compose up app (for more info on building image refer : prod2 documentation)

  • Once the image is built and tested push it to ECR and restart the ECS service based on prod2 documentation.

  • Create a revision of the task-definition and add the java argument in the environment section of the app container.

For setting up in Solr:

  • Download the java agent for solr with

curl -O https://download.newrelic.com/newrelic/java-agent/newrelic-agent/current/newrelic-java.zip
  • Extract the zip file and configure the newrelic.yml with the license key and application name.

  • Set the java argument for solr based on the version of solr.

For setting up in Batch server:

  • Download the new relic java agent inside the batch server with

  • Extract the zip file and configure the newrelic.yml with the license key and application name.

  • Set the java argument for batch server in the batchstarter.sh


AWS Cloudwatch agent setup for infrastructure monitoring:

For setting up cloudwatch agent:

  • Create a cronjob to make the script run for every 5 minutes

  • This should install the cronjob and the agent will begin reporting data.

  • To enable the CloudWatch agent to send data from the instance, we must attach an IAM role to the instance. The role to attach is CloudWatchAgentServerRole.