Question Type | Description |
single-answer mult. choice: Respondents have to select only one response from a given list of options. (radio button) multi-answer mult. choice: Respondents may select multiple responses from a given list of options. (checkbox) | |
Respondents are asked to select the number of stars/smileys on a scale to rank attributes or display feelings/emotions about a given interaction. | |
Typically a five, seven, or nine-point agreement scale used to measure respondents' agreement with various statements. (ex: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) | |
A closed-ended question that allows respondents to choose one (or multiple) answer(s) from a list of multiple choices. | |
A closed-ended question that asks respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. | |
A numerical scale that a respondent can use to rate an answer option by dragging a slider. | |
Respondents are given a text box to provide feedback or comments. Short- and Long-form options available | |
Respondents are asked to rank their preferences in a question in order of choice. | |
Allows respondents to attach a file along with their survey response. | |
Image Question | A multiple choice question that shows a visualization of the answer options for respondents to review and select. |