Auto-Reply to Review

Auto-Reply to Review


Auto-Reply to Reviews in the Experience Management Platform (XMP) is a dynamic feature designed to elevate your online presence and customer engagement. This tool empowers professionals to actively respond to reviews, ensuring timely and personalized interactions. By incorporating customizable options such as stock responses, AI-powered replies, and scoring buckets, this feature not only streamlines engagement but also contributes to enhanced Search Rank Scores. Proactively managing reviews has never been easier, allowing for a tailored approach that positively influences your online reputation.

Key Benefits

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Auto-Reply ensures timely responses to reviews, demonstrating attentiveness and care to your audience.

  2. Improved Search Rank Scores: Actively managing reviews contributes to higher Search Rank Scores, impacting your online visibility.

  3. Tailored Responses: Customize responses based on review ratings, creating a more personalized and meaningful interaction.

Customizing Auto-Reply Settings

The flexibility of stock responses, AI-powered replies, and customized scoring range buckets provides a comprehensive toolkit for optimizing engagement.

Reply As

Use the Reply As dropdown menu to designate the sender's identity for all replies automatically posted to reviews.

Scoring Buckets

Categorize reviews into scoring buckets based on their ratings. This allows for a more nuanced response approach, ensuring a tailored interaction for each rating range. Each score range bucket can have its own configuration for auto-replies based on the selected response type.

Response Types

Several response types can be selected when configuring auto-reply, each with distinct features to help reply to reviews efficiently and effectively.

  • Manual Responses: Forgo auto-replies for specific score ranges, allowing unlimited time for manual responses.

  • Stock Responses: Create up to 100 unique stock responses that can be randomly assigned to reviews within specified score ranges.

  • AI Responses: Leverage cutting-edge AI functionality for truly personalized replies. The AI considers sentiment and product details, ensuring unique responses for each customer.

How to Configure Auto-Reply to Reviews for a Campaign

To activate auto-reply to reviews, campaign creators can navigate to the Review Settings sub-section within a specific campaign’s Settings. This can be done at any time during the campaign's lifecycle, and, once the campaign is updated, the new settings will apply instantly to historic and new reviews. The steps below walk through how to configure auto-reply to reviews in a campaign.

  1. From the campaign’s Settings page, expand the Review Settings sub-menu.

  1. Once the Review Settings sub-menu is expanded, adjust the auto-reply toggle to the ON position (blue).

  1. For the auto-reply duration, use the arrows to adjust or type a number (0-30) to represent the number of days after a review is received that it should receive an auto-reply.

    • If the review receives a reply within that time frame, it will be removed from the auto-reply queue.

    • If the duration is set to 0, the review will be replied to within several hours of submission.

  1. Next, customize the score ranges if they should be different than the defaults. As you adjust the high or low end of one section, the corresponding end in the next section will automatically adjust itself.

    1. Modify a scoring range by clicking the ‘pen and pad’ icon.

    2. To save a new scoring range, click the circled checkmark.

  1. For each score range group, select a response type for reviews that fall within that score range. Remember,

    • Manual Responses: Forgo auto-replies for specific score ranges, allowing unlimited time for manual responses.

    • Stock Responses: Create stock responses for reviews falling within certain score ranges.

      • If you have chosen Stock Response as the auto-reply type, be sure to customize and update the stock responses to include a pool of thoughtful and applicable responses to be used for reviews in that score range.

    • AI Responses: Utilize AI-powered responses for added personalization based on rating ranges.

After customizing and assigning reply types to each scoring range, make sure to apply the changes by clicking the blue "Update campaign" button on the update page. Once updated, reviews for the campaign will start receiving replies based on the rules established in the review settings.

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