Transferring Reviews

Transferring Reviews

Managers and admins have various options when it comes to transferring reviews. They can choose to move a review to the desired destination, or create a copy of the review and move it to the desired destination while retaining the original review in its place of origin. These actions can be performed individually for single reviews, or managers/admins can utilize the bulk move/bulk copy option to transfer or duplicate all reviews from one profile to another.

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Who can transfer reviews?

  • Account managers can transfer reviews between profiles within the account.

  • Organization managers can transfer reviews between profiles within the account or to profiles in another account within the organization.

  • Admins can transfer reviews between profiles within the account, to profiles in another account within the organization, or to profiles across the entire platform.

Moving vs. Copying Reviews

Administrators and managers, when transferring reviews, can choose between two distinct options: Move Reviews and Copy Reviews.

  • Move Reviews: this option allows for the reviews to be relocated from the original profile to the target profile.

  • Copy Reviews: this option creates duplicates of reviews from the original profile onto the target profile, proving particularly beneficial when preserving a historical record of customer sentiment is crucial.

Benefits of Copying Reviews

Copying reviews becomes invaluable when a professional requests their reviews from a previous profile within an enterprise account. This functionality allows the enterprise account to maintain a comprehensive record of customer sentiment while empowering professionals to showcase their past customer interactions.

Retaining reviews through the Copy Reviews option ensures that the enterprise account stays informed about customer sentiment. For professionals, having access to these reviews is instrumental in showcasing service quality to build trust and credibility, and increasing their Search Rank Score.

These instructions on transferring reviews in Reviews Management display screenshots of the platform as it appears for an admins and organization managers. This screen may look slightly different for account managers, as some actions are restricted.

Transfer (Move/Copy) a Review

These instructions apply to admins, organization managers, and account managers.

The process for moving and copying reviews shares similarities and can be effortlessly accomplished within the Reviews Management section of the origin account.

  1. In Reviews Management, hover over the expandable action menu and select Move Review (or Copy Review).

  2. Checkboxes will appear to the left of each review in the Reviews Management table. Select each review (up to 10 at a time) to be transferred.

    1. You can select up to 10 reviews at a time to be transferred from the origin account, although the target profile does not need to be the same for all 10 reviews.

  1. To view how many reviews you have selected for transfer, there is a grey box at the top left corner of the table keeping track. When you have selected the reviews to be transferred, click on that grey box to continue the process.

  1. In this next step, your options may be different depending on your permission levels. Complete the steps outlined below based on your permission level, then repeat for each review selected to transfer.

    1. Account Managers: if you only manage one account, select the user that should receive the reviews.

    2. Organization Managers (and account managers that manage several accounts): select the account the target profile is in, then select the user that should receive the reviews.

    3. Admins: first, select the organization then the account that the target profile is in, and then select the user that should receive the reviews.

  1. Once each review has a target profile, click the blue Move button to complete the review transfer.

When the review transfer is complete, the reviews will appear on the target profile and in that user’s Reviews Management within minutes. If the review was transferred to a profile outside of the organization it was received in, it will bear a tag stating the review was from a previous organization.

Transfer (Move/Copy) All of a User’s Reviews

In certain situations, there may arise a need to relocate all reviews from one profile to another. This scenario is common when an individual transitions from one organization to another and desires to retain their reviews from the previous affiliation. To facilitate these transfers efficiently, our platform provides a convenient solution—the bulk review transfer option. This feature enables administrators and managers to seamlessly move entire sets of reviews in a streamlined manner, ensuring a smooth transition for users undergoing organizational changes.

  1. In Reviews Management, hover over the expandable action menu and select Move Bulk Reviews (or Copy Bulk Reviews).

  1. Select the source of the reviews – the profile where the reviews currently live. Ensure the profile you selected is the correct one by confirming how many reviews the user has.

  1. In this next step, your options may be different depending on your permission levels. Complete the steps outlined below based on your permission level:

    1. Account Managers: if you only manage one account, select the user that should receive the reviews.

    2. Organization Managers (and account managers that manage several accounts): select the account the target profile is in, then select the user that should receive the reviews.

    3. Admins: first, select the organization then the account that the target profile is in, and then select the user that should receive the reviews.

  1. Once the Target profile has been selected, click the blue Move button to complete the bulk review transfer.

When the review transfer is complete, the reviews will appear on the target profile and in that user’s Reviews Management within minutes (may take longer if the review count is high). If the reviews were transferred to a profile outside of the organization they were received in, they will bear a tag stating the review was from a previous organization.

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