Secondary Workflow

Secondary Workflow

The Secondary Workflow refers to an additional set of actions or processes that are initiated based on the responses collected during the survey. The survey captures the main set of data, often addressing the primary objectives or questions of the survey, while the secondary workflow involves subsequent steps triggered by specific responses to the Gateway Question. Implementing a secondary workflow in a survey enhances the survey's flexibility and allows for a more tailored and dynamic experience for respondents.


Three distinct workflows are configurable in the Secondary Workflow, aligned with the three response options from the Gateway Question. The workflow labels will correspond to the colors and labels established in the Gateway Question, ensuring a cohesive and visually intuitive experience.

For each workflow, the configurator of the campaign can customize several post-survey experiences, including:

  1. The email the respondent should receive after submitting their survey/review

  2. The SMS message (if SMS is enabled) the respondent should receive after submitting their survey/review

  3. The page that is displayed to a respondent after submitting their survey/review

Select the mail/SMS to be triggered

For each of the workflows, an email should be selected to be triggered to the respondent after they have submitted their survey/review. Traditionally, survey completion email 1 refers to a positive thank you message for respondents who had satisfactory experiences, while survey completion email 2 refers to a message sent to those who chose to describe their experience as unpleasant.

If SMS is enabled for the campaign’s communications, an SMS message should also be selected to be triggered to a respondent after submission.

Redirect to

Default page

The default page, hosted by Experience.com, allows configurators to design a personalized message to be displayed for respondents who selected that gateway response. The message box accepts basic HTML for custom design elements, ensuring a visually engaging and on-brand workflow.

Beyond message customization, the default page option provides additional versatility:

Third-Party Review Integration
  • Configurators can seamlessly integrate links to third-party sites, strategically encouraging respondents to share their experiences beyond the survey (social reach) on sites like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, X, and more.

  • In the image below, the blue buttons for Google and Zillow are selected as the primary third-party review sites, while the grey icons associated with the Share it on text are secondary third-party review sites in the workflow configuration.

Interactive Elements
  • For dynamic celebrations on certain responses, confetti can be enabled to “pop” on the default page, enhancing the post-survey interaction with a touch of visual flair.

  • To enable confetti for a gateway response, toggle the Enable confetti setting for the appropriate category(ies).

Request Referrals
  • Respondents who had great experiences are more likely to refer someone in their network to a professional they were satisfied with. Providing an option to refer someone directly after leaving a positive review is an excellent way to collect new leads.

  • When the Request a Referral toggle is enabled, a button will appear on the default page, allowing respondents to click and send a referral to the reviewed professional.

  • Clicking the Refer button opens the professional's public Experience.com page, with the referral window already expanded from the right side. The respondent's information will be pre-filled for convenience. They only need to enter the lead's contact information, update the body of the referral email (optional), and click Send.

While Experience.com hosts the page itself, configurators have the flexibility to create a tailored and interactive environment. This reinforces branding consistency and elevates the respondent experience by offering engaging elements and opportunities to extend social reach through third-party sites.

Custom URL

Configurators can input a specific URL, determining where respondents are automatically redirected after submitting their survey or review.

This feature grants campaign configurators the flexibility to guide respondents to a designated destination outside the Experience.com environment. Whether it's the company website, a dedicated complaint form, or the referral window, the custom URL option ensures a seamless transition from the survey experience to the desired external page.

Auto-Redirect to Referral Form

Another option for the redirect selection in the secondary workflow is to automatically redirect satisfied respondents to the referral form. This allows them to submit names and contact information to initiate an introduction between the professional and a potential lead they know.

To automatically redirect a respondent to the referral form of the professional they reviewed, enter the dynamic field [RequestReferralUrl] into the custom URL field.

Follow-up Campaigns

Follow-up campaigns can be enabled for respondents based on their gateway response and can be scheduled for delivery immediately after responses are received, or a specified number of hours or days later. Follow-up campaigns can be added or removed from the secondary workflow at any point during a campaign’s lifecycle (draft or activated).

Enabling Follow-up Campaigns

  1. Toggle On the ‘Follow Up Campaign’ Button: Start by enabling the follow-up campaign feature. Once toggled on, the configuration section will expand on the page.

  2. Select Campaign: Choose the campaign to be triggered as the follow-up. This can be either a survey campaign or an email/SMS campaign. Note that only active campaigns will appear in this list.

Configuring Follow-up Timing

  1. Set Delay: Decide when the follow-up campaign should be sent after the initial response. Use the two drop-down menus to select either 'days' or 'hours' and specify the number. For example, you can send the follow-up 2 days or 5 hours after the response.

  1. Immediate Trigger: If you prefer the follow-up campaign to be triggered immediately upon the respondent's survey submission, enable the immediate send setting. This will override any delay settings configured with the number of days or hours.