Salesforce Sales Cloud Integration

Salesforce Sales Cloud Integration


The primary intent of integrating the XMP with Salesforce Sales Cloud is to pull in transaction data and automatically send verified surveys to applicable transaction recipients. The Experience.com Salesforce Sales Cloud integration allows you to:

  • Ingest sales transaction data from Salesforce into Experience.com.

  • Map ingested data to campaigns within the account

  • Automate campaigns and surveys to customers based on role, transaction type, journey moment, or location.

Transactions ingested from a Salesforce Sales Cloud integration into the XMP are labeled as verified transactions.

Prerequisites for Integrating with Salesforce Sales Cloud

While a Primary Point of Contact (POC) is essential for managing the relationship between Experience.com and their organization, it may be beneficial to request the participation of the organization’s Salesforce Administrator, who has the permissions and knowledge required to complete the integration configuration with Experience.com’s XMP.

Add Integration

  1. Create a new Salesforce Sales Cloud Connection in the Account’s Ingestion setup.

    1. To create a new configuration, navigate to the Account Settings page and open the Ingestion Settings. Click Salesforce Sales Cloud, and then click the blue New Connection button.

  2. Login using valid Salesforce credentials with the proper permissions and access to authorize the data connection.

  3. On the next page, Salesforce will ask permission for Experience.com to access account information and data. Click the blue Allow button.

  4. When brought back to the XMP Ingestion Set up page, enter a connection name. Then, in the username field, enter the email used to log in to Salesforce. 

    1. Once the information has been entered, click anywhere within the Salesforce Configuration drawer to begin testing the connection automatically.

  5. Continue configuring the ingestion setup by entering information in the following fields. Default values may already exist for some of these fields and might not need additional work.

    1. Resource Type: the resource or file the XMP will ingest from Salesforce. It can be opportunities, contacts, or opportunities with leads

    2. Number of Look-back Days: The number of days of historical transaction data collected on each transfer for survey sending.

    3. Trigger Fields: Fields that can be used to create conditions. (i.e., fields entered here can become triggers when configured in campaign Set Conditions.)

    4. Dynamic Fields: Fields that can be used in Campaign Communication and Survey Questions. 

Once all the information is configured to ingest the desired transactions, click the blue Save button.

When the information has been verified, a notification will confirm its verification and that the configuration has been created. Add the Salesforce ingestion source to an active Campaign to automate transactions using the newly configured connection.

Potential Errors when Configuring Salesforce Sales Cloud Connection

none at this time.


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